Friday, June 15, 2012

The Tortoise & The Hare (pictures unrelated)

June 9, 2012

I had hoped to post more pictures this morning of a particularly fast, city-dwelling rabbit. His approximated dwelling location is within a 1-mile radius of our house. Though I see Mrs. Speedy (said bunny rabbit) each morning, I am never quick enough to grab my camera and chase her down for a picture. Hippity-hoppity goes Mrs. Speedy, each morning at sunrise, through Ms. Derryberry’s garden at a speed that suggests fear of being caught like Peter Rabbit. I assume that Ms. Derryberry, my green-thumbed neighbor, would not show Speedy any hospitality if she were aware of the true source of her flower bed’s destruction. Meticulously, my neighbor plucks weeds from her yard each day after Speedy scampers from her garden, unnoticed. Like Mr. McGreggor, Ms. Derryberry would surely capture our furry friend if she set her alarm clock a few minutes earlier. Luckily, Speedy remains unharmed thus far by adhering to her morning’s busy routine. I didn’t bother trying to catch her today when I saw her from my kitchen window. She was right on schedule, carefully hopping across Ms. D’s lawn edges, onward to a tasty breakfast composed of prized flowers and a side of green clover. I plan to catch Mrs. Speedy with my camera lens soon, but today she in too much of a hurry to pause long enough for me to prepare for a picture. These pictures unfortunately have nothing to do with our early rising rabbit. I took these last night, as the sun set over our Nashville home. Instead of leaving you with captions for, what I consider, unremarkable photos in this post- I decided to introduce you to Mrs. Speedy. She will be challenging to capture on film, but is coming soon. Looks like I’ll have to set my alarm a little earlier to creep out on my front porch and wait for her daily arrival. Project Tortoise is soon to come, in which I shall feature shots of Mrs. Speedy, the Hare. This will be tricky, but hope that history will repeat itself with another glorious win for the Tortoise. (that’s me, friends.) And now, I present to you, pre-bunny pictures from last night. Enjoy!

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