I made another visit to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and
Museum this past week. I’m not sure where other people choose to enter this
gorgeous park but my gateway of choice is featured here, in this photo. It’s my
personal tradition to pass between these two famous sphinx statues and this
visit had to begin like my last. I had high hopes of enjoying a day off from
work, and my passing by these riddle masters was, and is always, essential.
For those who have
read my previous posts, ‘The Giver Treehouse’ and ‘Cheekwood Gardens’, you are
aware of the history of these two mysterious lion ladies. I had been perplexed
by these greeting sphinxes and, after excessive online research, had been
unable to determine their origin.
Stubbornly, I then proceeded to utilize every available
search engine known to man before exhaustedly arriving at an obvious
“I should ask Cheekwood.”
Emailed Cheekwood. They
emailed back. I got my answer.
Many thanks to the quiz champion, Christine, who sent back
an answer faster and with more accuracy than the Internet! I officially nominate
you for Employee of the Month for being so awesome. :)
For those of you who haven’t got a clue what I’m talking
about- just know that Christine is awesome and so is Cheekwood. As for the
sphinx mystery, see previous posts so that you may be endowed with Christine’s
garden trivia knowledge. One more thing for the newbies…
THIS is where you should start when you first arrive to
Cheekwood. Walk past the sphinx statues and begin your stroll after they fill
you with child-like wonder and curiosity. They promise you’ll begin your visit
here again next time. :)
Across grassy fields that somehow remained green during this
summer’s heat wave, I arrived atop a hill to take in this view. On previous
visits, more kids than I could count had surrounded this glassy lake. Today,
however, a few families gathered near the water to enjoy its refreshing and
cooling breeze. I was thankful that I chose this day to re-visit one of my
favorite spots in the park. I prefer to go here on days that are less
frequented by visitors- not because I don’t like crowds, but the absence of
them affords time to oneself, amid beautiful surroundings that may be more
thoroughly enjoyed. Here’s where you should stand, newbie visitors, to enjoy a
spectacular view of Tennessee’s landscapes. On second thought, this is my
standing spot. You can choose one nearby. I called this one first. Official ‘Dibbs’
on this location, friends. :)
Uh, oh…I laid claim to my standing spot too soon. I forgot
that this is another of my favorite observational viewpoints. I guess this one
is now up for grabs, since I got greedy about my first hilltop, park-overlook
spot. Trade-sies? We can barter for
these, or maybe it’s best to act like grown-ups and share standing spots. We can
work out some sort of schedule, right? First-timers, I’m afraid seniority (and
Cheekwood members) must be given first preference in the favorite-spot-claiming
process. Don’t worry, though- there’s room for everyone here. There are also
more views to enjoy- You’ll find your favorites. If they also happen to be my
chosen locations, I’ll be a big girl by sharing the view with you.
The Garden of Eden…Cheekwood’s ' The Color Garden' is the next best thing, in my opinion. One sign in this garden reads as follows:
"The first element of garden design most people notice first is color. Color creates an emotional response, sets a mood, catches our attention. This is true in home decor, fashion design and advertising.
This garden explores the use of color in the garden through annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and vines. Nashville's long growing season and mild winters allow several changes in the display of annuals during the year, such as chrysanthemums in autumn, cool weather plants like pansies and tulips in spring, and a variety of annuals in the summer, including tropical plants.
The first section of the garden has beds with sweeping curves and a gently sloping lawn. As visitors enter the garden they see the plantings first at a distance, to appreciate the plants purely for their colors, and then close up, to enjoy a more detailed view. This area is followed by a series of arches, on which a variety of vines grow. The arches direct the eye to the foal point of an antique urn. On the lower walkway is a mixture of shrubs and trees, serving as a transition from the brightly colored garden above to the subtle beauty of the Water Garden and Japanese Garden."
Japanese Garden's stone path leads down a peaceful trail that I always enjoy.
On a hot day, you’re likely to find me here. Shaded by tall
stalks of bamboo, this pathway is afforded cool shelter from mid-day’s
blistering sunshine.
Part of my Cheekwood visitor routine involves taking pictures-
LOTS of pictures. I’m prone to leaving the garden with more photos than I’m
willing to publicly admit. I had to look like Mr. Gadget when I shot this photo
through hovering bamboo stalks- I’d brought every camera I had and tried each
one to see which would best capture sunlight, sky, and leaves.
Kneeling down on the shaded path, I emptied my pockets and
scurried around on the ground as I aimed every lens I had towards my
target. My pile of pocket-contents
either would lead one to believe I was insane or just incredibly prepared. I
prefer the latter depiction, though all that was missing to complete my
Inspector-esque look was a trench coat.
Visiting this garden on a less populated day prevented me
from worrying about what passersby thought of my strange photographic methods
as I lay down on the trail with my camera angled upwards to the sky. Inspector Gadget would be proud.
Anyone else who may have happened upon me here would
probably change their route, to avoid having to explain my less than normal
park behaviors to their children. I wouldn’t blame them…
‘Mommy, why is that lady laying down there? What is that huge
pile of stuff that she had in her pockets?’…
’She’s taking pictures, Sweetie. Let’s go back to the
tree houses now…hurry.’
Luckily, no such awkward behavioral explanations had been necessary during this visit.
Being alone on this trail is magical and one’s appreciation for natural and exotic surroundings can quite easily be mistaken for creepiness. Still, you should try it-
life’s too short to worry about looking weird- Especially when you’re
thoroughly enjoying yourself!
I felt as if I’d been transported to another world. This
garden creates a sense of wonderment that has to be experienced for one to
fully comprehend. In this beautiful garden of culture and mystery, I’d been
taken far from Tennessee- to a unique place where both bamboo and bonsai
graciously welcomed me.
I can’t help but wonder how park employees provide care to
these non-native plants. To satisfy my curiosity, I’ll save myself some
research hours and ask Cheekwood first this time. I imagine that the majestic height
of bamboo requires meticulous maintenance of a skilled gardener. I believe an
email inquiry must now be initiated…I’ll get back to you on what I find!
Perhaps our former Cheekwood trivia master will assist to enlighten us again. (BAMBOO INFO...TO BE CONTINUED.)
While we await Cheekwood’s response to our bamboo question,
a sign in The Japanese Garden can provide some historical information. One sign
read as follows:
"As seen from the
viewing pavilion, Shomu-en is designed to re-create in the mind an early
morning mist rising between the distant hills, a scene often noted in Japan and
Shomu-en was
developed with generous contributions from many donors including Mrs.
George-Weesner in memory of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Shaw.

As summer eventually ends, so must Cheekwood’s acclaimed
tree house exhibition. I had to go once more before this feature ends, to bid
farewell to some of my favorite features. This rainbow fish had been one of my
personal favorite tree houses, with The Giver Treehouse ranked marginally above
all others. (To me, anyway.) If you haven’t had a chance to discover your
favorite house, there’s still time- You’ve got to HURRY! All exhibits are
incredible and this one shouldn’t be missed, friends. Plop down on the bench
here to take in a unique view of The Rainbow Fish Treehouse before it’s too
The little blue fish
whizzed through the ocean with his scale flashing, so it didn’t take long
before the Rainbow Fish was surrounded by the other fish. Everyone wanted a
glittering scale. The Rainbow Fish shared his scales left and right. And the
more he gave away, the more delighted he became. When the water around him
filled with glimmering scales, he at last felt at home among the other fish.
-The Rainbow Fish, By: Marcus Pfister
Cheekwood Museum of Art
The Walden Treehouse is here to stay! Hip-hip-hooray! |
• Walden Treehouse
DESIGN FIRM: Pfeffer Torode Architecture
TEAM MEMBERS: Jamie Pfeffer, Jonathan Torode, and Don Torode
Fabrication Firm: Vintage
Team Members: Aaron Dunn and
James Dunn
Construction Firm: Dunaway
Team Members: Joe Dunaway, Andrew
Dunaway, Matt Sayers, and Chad Scurlock
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is
where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” – Henry David
Thoreau, Walden, 1854
This back-to-nature treehouse takes its visitors high up into the tree canopy
to a fairytale retreat where they will find the perfect setting for
Click link above for more info on Cheekwood's famous treehouse exhibit.
A quaint little cottage patiently
awaits visitors, who feel as though they’ve just stepped into the pages of a
fairy tale.
I choose this photo to visually summarize
the word ‘romance.’
“Keep your love of
nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.”
- Vincent Van Gogh |
“The bee is more honored
than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others.”
- Saint John Chrysostom |
One of my favorite pictures I've ever taken- of floating leaves, upon fountain waters at Cheekwood. |
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie
sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur
of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a
waste of time. “
- John Lubbock |
| | |
• Conch House (http://www.cheekwood.org/Gardens/Treehouses.aspx)
DESIGN FIRMS: Anne Daigh Landscape Architect and Pfeffer Torode Architecture
TEAM MEMBERS: Anne Daigh, Jamie Pfeffer, and Jonathan Torode
FABRICATION FIRM: Vintage Millworks
CONSTRUCTION FIRM: Dunaway Construction
"His ordinary voice sounded like a whisper after the harsh note of the
conch. He laid the conch against his lips, took a deep breath and blew
once more. The note boomed again: and then at his firmer pressure, the
note, fluking up an octave, became a strident blare more penetrating
than before." -- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, 1954
This structure encourages children to assemble before entering to create
rules for their own “tribe”. Once inside, the first child to reach the
top platform will blow the horn and become “chief.”

A little boy actually took this shot! He spotted me as he walked alongside his mother and his outgoing nature provoked a delightful conversation! He asked politely if he could take a picture and I, of course, couldn't resist! To my newly made little friend, this one is yours! An excellent shot, if I do say so myself...taken by a charming young 5-year old I met along the way. |
Floating Pac-Mans! :) |
On my way back to my car, I debated about whether or not I should stop by this fountain along the way. Now, I'm glad I did! |
My FAVORITE Treehouse! See 'The Giver Treehouse' post for more pictures of my walk through this colorful creation! |