Friday, February 14, 2014

A Vday Shmeeday.

It's Valentine's Day. I am blogging. I'm good with that, though. To me, V-Day is just another day...
At least, that's what I told my husband before it became today.
Girls are sillyheads.
I'm one of them.

Not complaining about the hubster, but he didn't seem to realize why I got upset this evening.

You see...

Men have this thing about making equivalent the efforts they put into something like...
 (say, Valentine's Day- for example and hypothetically, of course...)
spending four hours cooking a four-course meal and spending another four hours trying to make
something really thoughtful...

Yes. My Mickey Mouse and kitty-cat card are lovely, darling.
They are.

They just do not... quite...
you know,
demonstrate the hours of effort one person may have put into another person's Valentine's shindigs.


Not almost, Mr. Hodge.

Anyway, not bad-mouthing the husband here. After all, I needed a Mickey to go with my Minnie.
I also loved the card.

What I did not love about this Valentine's Day are matters about which
Mr. Hodge has been enlightened.

Here's what I love/hate about stupid/lovely Valentine's Day...
when you are married,

Allow me to explain the love stuff about it...
It's nice to have a whole day set aside to really show the person you love just how much you love them.

What I hate about it...
I did that already.

Getting married puts Valentine's Day to shame.
It's even got a dress that goes with it.
The whole public display of affection is best done with a wedding.
Since I did that already,
I see little need to burden ourselves with Valentine's Day obligatory celebrations that we must
observe annually.

I am a girl.

So, none of this really makes sense.

What DOES make sense is Mr. Hodge realizing he may not have shown quite the appreciation he should have. It made sense for Mr. Hodge to apologize for his perceived insensitivity.
It also made sense for Mrs. Hodge (that's me...), to say her 'i'm sorry's', too.

You know, just in case-
I wasn't that sensitive, either.

Valentine's Day is whatever you want it to be.
Some years,
I want the works... Flowers, smoochies, and all that jazz.
Other years, I just want to chow down on the take-out awesomeness of this Fat Moe's burger,
watch the movies Mr. Hodge's magical self can enable...

not worry about Valentine's Day, while I enjoy the taste of spousal redemption.... :):)

I love all of you.
Not really.
chances are that if you're reading this now,
you can relate. :)

Happy Valentine's/Anti-Valentine's Day, Sweethearts. :)

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